Dazed and Confused: Moving beyond the Historial Jesus
Led Zeppelins track called "Dazed and Confused" is the perfect title to describe the mentality of the disciples who were struggling to make sense of the resurrection of Jesus. Today we hear about how John highlights the early struggles of the disciples of Jesus. We hear that they are full of doubt. For John, the theme of doubt is closely related to maturing in faith—they are, in fact, interrelated and necessary as we discover in the next act. So before we get to doubting Thomas, let us get to the unnamed disciples who locked themselves in an upper room out fear. These disciples were naturally seized with fear because they were fugitives of faith from the Jewish authorities. Despite, Mary’s proclamation about experiencing the risen Christ, these disciples kept themselves hidden as they knew shame, insult and even death were knocking at their door. These disciples were full of confusion and, yes, serious doubt about the stories bei...